Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Begin with...

There is no reason for anyone who reads this to subscribe fully to the suggestions and opinions I posit. I am simply working through scripture in my own way with the bit of literary knowledge and critical reasoning skills I possess. Instead, I hope only to offer my take on one of the most important books in my life, a book I turn to when nothing else satisfies. You may find you often disagree with my readings, or perhaps you will find opportunity to expand on what I put forth, and I encourage you to do so. Leave comments, argue, agree, but please use proper literary and social etiquette. If I like your comment, but it is riddled with errors, I will re-post a corrected version of the comment. If your comment is completely incoherent and fowl language clouds the meaning, I will simply delete it, and hope you reply again when you are in a calmer state of mind. Thank you, and God bless!

With love,

Jessica L H-H